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The rain rain rain came down down down.

There were terrible storms last night. The windows we got a few years ago cut down on the noise from the street as we wanted, but the driving rain pounding on the metal windowsills is brutal. It even woke me up, and I can sleep though anything non-Em-related.

We got off to school okay, but there was quite a jam in the parking lot. It would appear that there is no power in the building (or apparently much of the street) so all the kids are just piling into the cafeteria for the time being.

I had this conversation with one of the teachers helping out in the car line. She’s my daughter’s speech therapist at the school. As Em got out of the car and walked past her to the building, she let me know about the power and wanted to be sure I thought Em would be okay with it.

Me: “Ah, I see. She’ll be fine with it if someone tells her.”
Her: “Okay, I just wanted to let you know.” (Em is getting farther away)
Me: “Okay, she’ll be just fine if someone tells her.”
Her: “I just didn’t know how you wanted to handle it.” (I’m kind of gesturing with my eyes and head toward Em, who is still obliviously walking, too far away for me to catch from inside my car.)
Me: “Right, if someone tells her before she walks in the… “ at which point she walks into the dark building.
Her: “I’ll be sure someone tells her.”

Lady. She’s inside. She’s a smart kid, she’s going to figure out that the lights are off. Sigh.

I’m sticking close to home today, just in case. Too bad, as I do have errands to run. Guess what idiot forgot to remove the outer tamper-proof shell from the DVD she got at the library via the self-checkout terminal yesterday? Now that I can’t watch it, I find that I want to watch it more than anything. The human brain is a funny thing, eh?

Okay, I’m rambling, so it’s coffee time. D&D update later!

ETA: As of 8:23, the power’s back on at the school.

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