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One thing that I wanted to be sure I did this weekend was to take time for a walk on the beach. My life gets very busy, and it’s easy to let my thoughts be filled with nothing but what I have to do. I stopped and stood for a long time, looking at the waves and letting my feet sink into the sand. It took a while for my brain to stop buzzing and become more calm.

Oddly, one thing I kept thinking was that I’d like to dye a yarn to match the color of the sand around my feet. And I realized that I really, really like dyeing. I’d like to explore it more. I’d like to try more techniques and experiment with self-striping and develop new methods for achieving the results I want. I’d like to do all the mental work involved in figuring out ways to get consistent results from batch to batch, and to produce in larger quantities.

In short, I want to sell. I actually like selling on the internet. The trick now is acquiring the expertise, and finding the time, money, and space to make it happen. I don’t know if this is something that I can do within even a year. My life is busy as it is, and there’s not a whole lot that I can or want to let fall away.

It may be a while, but I’m glad that I had the time to be still enough to learn this.

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  1. August 13th, 2008 at 03:07 | #1

    Yep. Yep. Me too. All but the sand.

  2. August 13th, 2008 at 03:07 | #2

    Yep. Yep. Me too. All but the sand.

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