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Well, crud.

The camp director just called. Em’s already asking to go home. He and I talked, and agree that she should try to stick out the whole day. If it looks like she’s miserable or more unhappy or things are degrading, he’s going to call and of course I’ll come get her early, but I don’t want her to just give up immediately. That’s a strong trait of hers.

I understand that she’s overwhelmed easily, but I think it’s good for her to be pushed outside her comfort zone sometimes. That’s how we grow.

We’ll see if her time at camp continues on after today – and whether I can get a refund if it doesn’t. Bleah.

On the up side, the director does get points for starting with, “Ms. Tvini? This is Blank from soccer camp and it’s not an emergency.” Good lead. Nothing makes the heart beat faster than a call from camp.

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  1. June 16th, 2008 at 14:52 | #1

    Well… it’s a start.

    Does she have a point person other than you out there, like a friend or something? How long is it?

    Going to camp at all is a step in the right direction, so maybe it’ll stick sometime. Heck, even I feel that way sometimes 🙂

    Chin up, little awesome chick(s).

  2. June 16th, 2008 at 14:52 | #2

    Well… it’s a start.

    Does she have a point person other than you out there, like a friend or something? How long is it?

    Going to camp at all is a step in the right direction, so maybe it’ll stick sometime. Heck, even I feel that way sometimes 🙂

    Chin up, little awesome chick(s).

  3. June 16th, 2008 at 15:00 | #3

    She doesn’t have any friends there. My mother called and volunteered to go over there, which was a nice idea, but I think having her or me over there will just get her that much more primed up to go home. I’d rather keep it as close as possible to the actual experience it would be the rest of the week.

    The director is a teacher at the school (this is a camp run by a local private school), and when I dropped Em off, I did offer some tips like “use clear, direct language” and “if she needs to be by herself for a short time, let her.” He seemed like he was pretty well equipped to handle things, and the fact that he was willing to call me and verify his judgement call reassures me that she’s in good hands.

    It would have been nice to know this was going to happen before we bought a crapload of soccer stuff, but really, that’s on me. I should have anticipated. Oh well.

  4. June 16th, 2008 at 15:00 | #4

    She doesn’t have any friends there. My mother called and volunteered to go over there, which was a nice idea, but I think having her or me over there will just get her that much more primed up to go home. I’d rather keep it as close as possible to the actual experience it would be the rest of the week.

    The director is a teacher at the school (this is a camp run by a local private school), and when I dropped Em off, I did offer some tips like “use clear, direct language” and “if she needs to be by herself for a short time, let her.” He seemed like he was pretty well equipped to handle things, and the fact that he was willing to call me and verify his judgement call reassures me that she’s in good hands.

    It would have been nice to know this was going to happen before we bought a crapload of soccer stuff, but really, that’s on me. I should have anticipated. Oh well.

  5. June 16th, 2008 at 15:02 | #5

    It’s from 9-3. But they’re taking frequent breaks for snacks and water and such, and after lunch they’re doing inside games to get out of the heat and wind down. Then back out on the field for one actual game (4 on 4) before I pick her up and she collapses into the back seat.

    It’s a lot for her, I know, but I chose this camp because they seemed very non-competitive and geared towards beginners. Believe me, there were cheaper ones. Sigh.

  6. June 16th, 2008 at 15:02 | #6

    It’s from 9-3. But they’re taking frequent breaks for snacks and water and such, and after lunch they’re doing inside games to get out of the heat and wind down. Then back out on the field for one actual game (4 on 4) before I pick her up and she collapses into the back seat.

    It’s a lot for her, I know, but I chose this camp because they seemed very non-competitive and geared towards beginners. Believe me, there were cheaper ones. Sigh.

  7. June 16th, 2008 at 15:19 | #7

    You did the best you could, and she’s probably doing the best she can, too. Just keep giving her gentle little pushes, like you do already 🙂

  8. June 16th, 2008 at 15:19 | #8

    You did the best you could, and she’s probably doing the best she can, too. Just keep giving her gentle little pushes, like you do already 🙂

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