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My yarn from yesterday’s dyeing session is still drying, so I can’t show it yet. Instead, here’s some art from Emily. I think I’m going to start showing more of her art. As her mother, this no doubt interests me more than you, but that’s why God gave us index fingers – to be able to click past such things. Of course, you can always use that same ability to click for a larger picture. Just sayin’.

This picture cracks me up because of the shocked looks of the mother and father compared with giggly expression of the girl on the right, who is probably a big sister. Em gets pretty expressive, considering she mainly makes stick figures using ball point pen as her medium.

As for me, I’m about to take some Benadryl, lie down, and wonder if it’s possible to die of pollen.

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  1. May 19th, 2008 at 14:29 | #1

    That reminds me of a Zach Galiafinakis joke.

    She had an alligator baby!

  2. May 19th, 2008 at 14:29 | #2

    That reminds me of a Zach Galiafinakis joke.

    She had an alligator baby!

  3. May 19th, 2008 at 14:36 | #3


  4. May 19th, 2008 at 14:36 | #4


  5. May 19th, 2008 at 14:44 | #5

    But please please please put more Em art up, I love seeing little kids’ drawings and watching them progress. It’s really interesting to me.

  6. May 19th, 2008 at 14:44 | #6

    But please please please put more Em art up, I love seeing little kids’ drawings and watching them progress. It’s really interesting to me.

  7. May 20th, 2008 at 02:54 | #7

    Morgan and I both agree that Emily has quite the imagination. I will always click on her art.

  8. May 20th, 2008 at 02:54 | #8

    Morgan and I both agree that Emily has quite the imagination. I will always click on her art.

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