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Dyeing in the sun.

I got a lot of mileage out of the leftover leaf-green dye from Sunday’s session. Here we see a small amount of leftover white Dale Baby Ull crammed into a pint Mason jar filled with dye. A day or so later, the dye was absorbed and the liquid was mostly clear. The picture doesn’t capture the correct color – it’s more of a grass green.

In other news, more banana chocolate chip muffins than two people could possibly eat.

Emily: “Maybe next time you can make strawberry muffins. That would be good.”

Everybody’s a critic.

I’m up to mid-March on hat orders. Next up: London, Alberta, and New York.

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  1. May 2nd, 2008 at 00:07 | #1

    ooh nice! You dyed yarn like sun tea. Nice. =)

  2. May 2nd, 2008 at 00:07 | #2

    ooh nice! You dyed yarn like sun tea. Nice. =)

  3. Anonymous
    May 2nd, 2008 at 00:30 | #3

    I wanna play too! o)

    OOh! Sign me up for the next dye event!! I wanna play too!!

    Stacey a.k.a. CrimsonPurl

    Good seeing you last night!

  4. Anonymous
    May 2nd, 2008 at 00:30 | #4

    I wanna play too! o)

    OOh! Sign me up for the next dye event!! I wanna play too!!

    Stacey a.k.a. CrimsonPurl

    Good seeing you last night!

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