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Public netiquette

December 27th, 2007 Leave a comment Go to comments

I didn’t get to show off my cool new shoes last night, since I was the only one at knitting group. That’s unless you count the guy with the cell phone turned up to 11 talking about religion in Spanish. Making lemons out of lemonade, I decided I could eavesdrop and brush up on my Spanish. Unfortunately, I remembered a lot more than I thought, and then really wished I could tune this guy back out. It was all “la fuerza sagrada” and “el Senor” about fifty bazillion times in a row. Serves me right for eavesdropping.

Did I mention that he occasionally burst into song and also made sound effects as he talked? I was doing okay until the guy he was talking to started singing “Hello” by Lionel Richie. Then I had to hide my face and concentrate really hard to avoid laughing.

Anyway, here’s the thing. When he finally lost connection with his buddy – because this guy was not going to hang up voluntarily – he powered up YouTube on his laptop and started playing music videos and singing along with them. This was in the cafe section of our local Books-a-Million.

Am I wrong in thinking that this is just poor netiquette? I mean, it’s one thing to be super loud and annoying on your cell phone, because at least then you’re talking to someone, and I can accept that maybe you have hearing loss and need it cranked up that high. But having the volume up on your laptop in public? That’s bad manners, right? It’s a new area of etiquette, I know, but that’s bad form, isn’t it?

Anyway, because there was nobody there last night, and I couldn’t get the Rowan Calmer I needed to start the Shedir hat, I decided to turn the heel on my Vinnland socks. I need to kind of watch what I’m doing when I do that, and I didn’t have to maintain eye contact with anyone, so it was a good project to work on. Unfortunately, the guy was so distracting that I carried the back of the heel in plain stockinette up higher on the second foot than on the first. Oops. I know nobody will notice this but me, but they’re for me, so that kind of does matter. I’ll be ripping back about four rows at some point.

The closest supplier I found for the Calmer is Davidson, about 30 minutes away from here. I actually have some Calmer, but it’s in a denim blue and my sister-in-law asked for “earth tones” so I have to pick up more. Looks like a road trip today!

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  1. December 27th, 2007 at 22:43 | #1

    I am Spanish impaired. What does “la fuerza sagrada” mean?

  2. December 27th, 2007 at 22:43 | #2

    I am Spanish impaired. What does “la fuerza sagrada” mean?

  3. December 28th, 2007 at 00:27 | #3

    The sacred force. I have to assume the phrase has some special meaning beyond its individual words, because he said it so often. Also, it kind of sounds like some special Jesus Justice League.

  4. December 28th, 2007 at 00:27 | #4

    The sacred force. I have to assume the phrase has some special meaning beyond its individual words, because he said it so often. Also, it kind of sounds like some special Jesus Justice League.

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