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Thank you, !

December 17th, 2007 Leave a comment Go to comments

But first, let’s start with something I mentioned the other day, that Emily’s dropping back from weekly OT to sessions every other week. Wonder why? Check out the amazing progress she’s made this year! I don’t know what clicked this year, but something did. She’s not to the level of other kids her age – note the absolutely adorable but not-at-age-level picture she drew yesterday of a hat wearing a puppy. Hi-LAR-ious stuff. So while we’re going to keep the OT going, I can see a day when we might give it up.

Emily was out sick from school today. Her fever was up over a hundred and she was coughing, big time. Poor kid. When she’s just feeling a little punky and wants to lay out of school, she says “I’m too sick to go to school.” When she’s really sick, she says “I just want to feel good again.” She keeps asking what can make her feel better. She asks questions like, “Is water a healthy food?” because she knows that healthy foods can help keep your body strong. Poor thing. I doubt she’ll be in school tomorrow, either.

This also means that I’m not getting as many things done as I’d like. I was out running errands until 11 tonight, but whatcha gonna do, eh? If parenthood means I have to sit in the den and watch “Meet the Robinsons” three times in a row, then so be it. On the up side, check out the amazing knitter’s callus I’ve developed. As soon as my husband got home, I bundled up my Jayne hats and hotfooted it up to the post office. Five hats went out, so everyone who was promised one by Christmas should have theirs in the mail and have received mail from me to that effect. Also, some fine Browncoats who kindly said “I’m not in a hurry, if you need to bump someone ahead for the holidays that’s fine” have theirs in the mail too. I ask you, are Firefly fans thoughtful or what?

And speaking of thoughtful Browncoats, look what my daughter got from !

First out of the package were these grisly gingerbread man cookie cutters. Emily loved these. “This one can hop. This one can hold things in one hand. This one can…” and then she just looked thoughtful. Heh. I can see we’ll be making cookies very soon.

Next up was this banner. We had to find just the right spot for this. It’s in the archway between our dining room and living room. The key was that it had to be in close proximity to the Christmas tree. Emily loves this too.

Finally was this crane Christmas ornament. Emily unfolded it some, but I showed her how to refold it. I think this is a good “in” to introduce the idea of origami. While I was getting the camera out, this had already disappeared onto the tree. You’ll note that Emily gave it a place of honor, right underneath Serenity.

, the timing on this was perfect. It was a good pick-me-up for a little girl who was sick and tired and needing a little excitement, but not too much. Thanks a million!

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  1. December 18th, 2007 at 14:54 | #1

    Oh, hooray!

    I thought she’d get a kick out of the ABC cutters (if she weren’t scarred for life).

    Your post is a pick-me-up as well, as I’ve been alternately beating myself up over schoolwork and trying to recover from it. I am very happy that she’s happy 🙂

  2. December 18th, 2007 at 14:54 | #2

    Oh, hooray!

    I thought she’d get a kick out of the ABC cutters (if she weren’t scarred for life).

    Your post is a pick-me-up as well, as I’ve been alternately beating myself up over schoolwork and trying to recover from it. I am very happy that she’s happy 🙂

  3. December 18th, 2007 at 20:20 | #3

    OMG the Gingerbread Men Cutters are hysterical.

    The headless one can be a stand-in for the Headless Horseman in Sleepy Hollow, OR an extra in Alice in Wonderland – someone unfortunate enough to have incurred the wrath of the Queen of Hearts =D

  4. December 18th, 2007 at 20:20 | #4

    OMG the Gingerbread Men Cutters are hysterical.

    The headless one can be a stand-in for the Headless Horseman in Sleepy Hollow, OR an extra in Alice in Wonderland – someone unfortunate enough to have incurred the wrath of the Queen of Hearts =D

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