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That’s life.

November 10th, 2007 Leave a comment Go to comments

It’s been a rough couple of days. Yesterday there was construction in front of our house all day. No big deal, but when they started digging up our front yard at about 8:30 last night, we went out to ask what was going on. Some water pipe up the street had been cracked by tree roots, so they were digging around, trying to locate the shutoff to the water main with varying degrees of success. Well, not much to be done for that. And I felt for the poor guys, it was cold out there.

Somehow that “shut off the water” part of what they told us didn’t quite sink in until we tried to turn on the water at about 10pm and realized it was off. Fortunately, we had some fresh water already, enough for brushing teeth and for flushing the toilet should it be necessary. We hoped it would be on by morning, since Emily’s never known life without water.

About 1am last night, I woke up feeling terrible. I could still see the flashing lights of the water truck outside. I sat on the cold tile of the bathroom floor, saying little prayers. “Please don’t let me get sick when we have no water in the house. Pleeeeease don’t let me get sick with no water in the house.” Thankfully, those prayers were answered. And the water was back on this morning. You can bet your keister that I am not taking piped-in water for granted today. I feel very fortunate to live in a country where I can just turn a magic knob and clean water flows into my home. Amazing.

Today, I have a scratchy throat and feel awful, but in an entirely different way. Looks like I’m getting a cold. It wasn’t a big day for me to run around and do fun things to blog about, so instead I’ll share with you one from last weekend.

Emily’s been more active and engaged lately, wanting to hang out outside and asking odd questions like, “what does the skeleton of your teeth look like?”

Late last week we went outside, even though frankly I wanted to stay in. There are some little purple wildflowers growing near the outdoor spigot, and Emily looked at them, then looked around some more.

Emily: Isn’t it beautiful?
Me: What, sweetie?
Emily: Everything outside!

Good point, sugar. My mood lifted. Sometimes it just takes a shift in perspective to stop us from taking things for granted.

Here’s a picture of my girl up in a tree. Life is good.

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