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Another day, another stroke.

As you can see, the couch to 5k continues. When I exercise vigorously, I turn red. Really, really red. Like so red that people are concerned for me. I haven’t had a heart attack yet, it’s just that my super-fair skin needs little provocation to make me look like a cooked lobster. If you see me jogging down the street, please do not call 911. It’s perfectly normal.

I need to work out a new route. I’m doing okay up until that last leg of the run. It takes me up Mt. Doom, and it’s brutal. Maybe if I walk a little farther before starting the program, it won’t hit in the same place.

illiane turned me on to this really cool feature on the internet. Maybe you already knew about it, but I didn’t. http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/ will let you plot out a route and tell you how far it is. It’s not entirely accurate, because I’ve driven my route and it’s just about exactly two miles, but it comes up as slightly less on that site. The site doesn’t take elevation into account, though, so maybe going up and down the slopes of Mt. Doom is adding some distance.

Jayne orders are picking up speed. Unfortunately, it’s because Halloween is upon us – and I’ve already got an eight week wait. I feel bad for these Browncoats, but it is what it is. Two kits went out yesterday, another two kits and two hats are going out today, and I’m devoting the rest of the morning to Jayne activities. I can also usually knit an entire hat at my weekly stitch session, so that’ll be another one down.

I do love my Browncoats. Check out the sweet art that came along with an order over the weekend. Too neat! The hat she drew is similar to a picture I made for something I’m planning on introducing fairly soon. “Fairly soon” being “whenever I can eke out the time for it” so actually, who knows when it’ll be?

Because all work and no play makes Tvini go crazy, I did pull out the Fleece Artist that I got as part of a sock kit swap from (thanks again!). I’ve been wanting to make Pomatomus since it was published in 2005. I just love the way these socks look.

Unfortunately, it turns out that I don’t love the way they knit. I tried to put in a lifeline before I started the pattern, but it was so tight that I gave it up. Twelve rows in and I’ve already lost a stitch. The twisted knits make tinking back a giant pain in the keister. I’m knitting it on size 1s instead of the recommended 2s because I’m a loose knitter, but even so, these stitches are pretty darned tight. I think I may abandon this and use the yarn for something else, maybe Embossed Leaves.

All right, back to the Jayne mines!

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  1. October 3rd, 2007 at 14:33 | #1


    I can so relate. It’s one of the reasons I hate going to the gym or working out with other people.

  2. October 3rd, 2007 at 14:33 | #2


    I can so relate. It’s one of the reasons I hate going to the gym or working out with other people.

  3. October 3rd, 2007 at 14:38 | #3

    Yeay! That yarn was so yummy I almost kept it instead! I’m glad you like it!

  4. October 3rd, 2007 at 14:38 | #4

    Yeay! That yarn was so yummy I almost kept it instead! I’m glad you like it!

  5. October 3rd, 2007 at 19:25 | #5

    The LOLTVINI was priceless. I drove up and down Mt Doom that one time and it’s an impressive piece of work. I would have changed my route a LONG time ago 😉 more power to you for having stuck to it so far!!

  6. October 3rd, 2007 at 19:25 | #6

    The LOLTVINI was priceless. I drove up and down Mt Doom that one time and it’s an impressive piece of work. I would have changed my route a LONG time ago 😉 more power to you for having stuck to it so far!!

  7. October 4th, 2007 at 00:26 | #7

    I get red like that too. The first time my MIL saw it she wanted to make me sit down and cool off because I must be about to have a stroke…nope, just my body doing its thing.

  8. October 4th, 2007 at 00:26 | #8

    I get red like that too. The first time my MIL saw it she wanted to make me sit down and cool off because I must be about to have a stroke…nope, just my body doing its thing.

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