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Good morning.

September 10th, 2007 Leave a comment Go to comments

I’m continuing to walk more, and carried mail up to the post office a couple of miles away yesterday. I don’t know that I’ll do that today, as kits and finished hats are going out, and I don’t have a good system for toting packages. I need a Santa sack. Or a shopping cart. Although probably our neighbors wouldn’t be thrilled to see a raggedy-lookin’ woman pushing a shopping cart up the street. Eh, maybe I’ll just drive today and work it out later.

Today I got a nice note, complete with photo, from a serviceman in South Korea who just got his Jayne hat. It really brightened my day, and it reminded me that I never shared the following bit of awesomeness!

Sometimes people send me art or goodies along with the nice letters and photos of themselves in their hats (note to self: stop back-burnering gallery already!). You should click on the pic to see a larger version, because it’s just too good to miss. I don’t want to use the customer’s name without her permission. I did get permission to post the pics. This is nice work, and I hope she will find a way to incorporate her art and creativity into her professional career.

This was part of a hat request that I just LOVED. When she got her finished hat, she was nice enough to write, “Ahhh! The box! The letter! Everything! It’s so beautiful! I love it! My friends will all be jealous. Thankyouthankyouthankyou!” I feel good that I brightened her day as much as she brightened mine. There are a lot of nice Browncoats in the world!

Today I’m putting together kits, but also driving up to Davidson. In spite of promises from the mill that they’d have their stuff out last week, I haven’t seen hide nor hair of my yarn. I almost never run low on earflap-red, because less of it goes into every hat, but I’m touching bottom in my Jayne inventory. No worries, it’ll all work out. Davidson always has my red. At least I can have confidence that if I buy more red, the red I already ordered will surely come in. It’s like losing something and buying a replacement. The old item turns up once you’ve already spent money. Or maybe that’s just me.

At the Needlecraft Center in Davidson, they have Koigu and Lorna’s Laces, but I’m feeling I can resist their siren call. After all, I’ve only had time to knit a few more rows on the Regia Bamboo socks pictured. However, I’ve finished sleeve one of Emily’s sweater, so that’s fine. It won’t kill me to wait longer to work on my own stuff – that’s what moms through the ages have done, isn’t it?

I managed to get a blister on my right hand while digging up volunteer trees in the side yard, but I don’t think it’ll affect my ability to knit. I’m going to do a some DragonRealms work, then test that theory. I’m still ahead of the line, and I’d like to keep it that way!

Hats up for: CA, PA, TX.

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