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Heroes and Embroidery

First, re: Heroes, the person who considered George Takei as Hiro’s father should get the Nobel Prize for Casting. Because George Takei on Heroes really rocks. I mean, really, really rocks.

Note: out of deference to folks who haven’t seen the show yet, I am not including a pic of Takei from the actual series. Plus Sulu fencing shirtless on the Enterprise really rocks. I mean, really, really rocks.

And did you read this bit of news? “NBC “bulks up” with 30 combined episodes of “HEROES” and “HEROES: Origins,” an innovative new spin-off that each week will introduce a new character — one of whom will be chosen by viewers through the “HEROES” website on NBC.com to become a cast regular the following season….” I guess it’s only exciting if you’re a Heroes fan, but I am, so yay!

Moving on!

I had to stop spinning yesterday because I was cramping up in my left hand, but I still wanted to do a non-knitting craft, so I started on this embroidery idea that I’d had for a while. (The hoop is from the Sublime Stitching kit that got for me a few years ago. Thanks, !)

This shirt was originally designed for a friend who had a baby, but I’ve lost contact with him, so I’m not sure who will receive it now. If it goes well maybe I’ll sell it. Or maybe I’ll hold onto it for the next baby to come along – people are always having babies, it seems. The picture shows the design incomplete. I couldn’t watch Heroes and embroider at the same time, so I worked on a Jayne hat instead. Embroidery isn’t my strong suit – that’s my mother and grandmother’s area of expertise – but this is a fairly simple design. I’d like to do more embroidery, but there are very few things in my house which I think would be improved by more embellishment, or maybe I just have trouble envisioning them embroidered.


Every day for my daughter’s lunch, she gets a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in a bag. I always draw a little picture on it and write a few words. It might be about a story we’ve been reading, or related to something they’ve been doing in school, or just a question she might like to talk about. I know the other kids look at these, so maybe it’ll give them a topic of conversation. I do these early in the morning, so they’re not exactly great art. But it occurred to me this morning that if modified, they might make nice embroidery patterns for kids’ stuff. I only wish I’d thought of this several years ago, as I do a different picture every day. Oh well.

We’ll see how this goes. Maybe it’ll be a one-shot deal, or maybe I’ll be inspired to do more.

Jayne hats up for: FL, NC, CA

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  1. May 15th, 2007 at 13:57 | #1

    Heya purty lady! Will you be at BAMM Weds pm? I have stuff to give you for Miss Em. 🙂

  2. May 15th, 2007 at 13:57 | #2

    Heya purty lady! Will you be at BAMM Weds pm? I have stuff to give you for Miss Em. 🙂

  3. May 15th, 2007 at 15:53 | #3

    You betchum, Red Rider!

  4. May 15th, 2007 at 15:53 | #4

    You betchum, Red Rider!

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