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The sweater on.

That’s about where it hits, if you can tell from the pic.

I got a lot done today, but it seemed there were long lines and lots of traffic everywhere I went. However, I did get to go out to lunch with the hubby. We grabbed some very lunch at Nikko sushi bar. I had to wait through two rotations of the same traffic light and circle the block for literally 20 minutes trying to find a parking spot. Finally, I parked in a reserved space across the busy street and went into that office office to beg them to let me use their parking lot. They agreed.

By the time I got into the sushi restaurant, Steve had been waiting about a half hour and the waiter was a little ticked because he’d told someone else to wait while Steve sat there at the table nursing his mug of green tea. He got a good tip anyway, since he’d had to turn away another fare, as it were. Up side: the sushi was very good!

Tonight, paperwork and maybe some knitting. Woo.

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  1. April 14th, 2007 at 20:24 | #1

    Something about that position feels awkward. Can’t exactly pinpoint what. The Hubs and I think maybe a smidge higher for the color change?

  2. April 14th, 2007 at 20:24 | #2

    Something about that position feels awkward. Can’t exactly pinpoint what. The Hubs and I think maybe a smidge higher for the color change?

  3. April 14th, 2007 at 20:29 | #3

    I tend to agree, and thank the Hubs for chiming in. I’m actually thinking that now that I feel more confident that I can do an unevenly staggered stripe, I may just abandon that element and make it a straight green stripe. I dunno. It’s on hold for the moment while I let it rest, like the first draft of a term paper you go back and look at with new eyes later.

  4. April 14th, 2007 at 20:29 | #4

    I tend to agree, and thank the Hubs for chiming in. I’m actually thinking that now that I feel more confident that I can do an unevenly staggered stripe, I may just abandon that element and make it a straight green stripe. I dunno. It’s on hold for the moment while I let it rest, like the first draft of a term paper you go back and look at with new eyes later.

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