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Sniffles and spinning

Emily’s out of school sick today, so trips to the dentist, post office, bank, long walks in the beautiful weather, etc. are on hold. Poor thing, she’s really sniffling. She spent about 15 minutes just lying on the couch under a blanket, staring at nothing. On the up side, one of her little quirks seems to have vanished – she used to hate tissues. And it was specifically tissues. If you had her wipe her nose on a paper towel, that was okay. But not tissues. This week, she’s been fine with tissues. This is good, because the back of your hand is not a socially acceptable tool for wiping one’s nose.

I myself have tactile issues with pulling cotton balls out of medicine bottles. Also, oftentimes the texture and sound of paper napkins will drive me up a wall. It’s like nails on a chalkboard (which, oddly, doesn’t bother me). Paper towels are fine. It’s inexplicable and weird, but there it is. I have no clue if she has some kind of weirdness like that or not, but she does hate to use paper napkins, too. Regardless, I’m glad she’s using tissues without complaint.

is getting a spinning wheel. Now Turtlegirl has a wheel. Apparently this is something all the cool kids are doing now. I myself have a line on an inexpensive wheel, and the current owner is willing to let me borrow it for a week or so to see if I like it before I purchase it. I’ve ordered a small quantity of wool roving to use, and will wait for that to arrive before I borrow this woman’s wheel. It’s relatively cheap, but if it’s something I won’t use, then it’s still money wasted, so I appreciate her willingness to let me give it a test-drive first.

Illiane brought dowels, hooks, and wooden wagon wheels to the stitching session last night and helped me make a drop spindle. I wasn’t so hot with it there, but when I was back home, I got my rhythm back a little. My yarn is still very slubby and uneven, but it’s all part of the learning process.

Our weekly stitch session is at a coffee shop in Books-a-Million, and I always look for some little book I can get for Emily when I’m out. This week’s was an early reader about the life of an astronaut named Linda. She found it and read it first thing this morning. She’s really enjoying science. Maybe she can find a cure for her own cold someday.

Emily informs me that she’s done with her orange juice, and “I’m still sooooo hungry.” Since we’re watching “Cookie Monster’s Best Bites” on DVD, I think I see where this is going. I’m off to make cookies.

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  1. March 8th, 2007 at 22:04 | #1

    We can NOT convince Pip that there is an alternative to picking one’s nose (or if it’s runny, licking the snot off of one’s upper lip). It’s rather distressing.

  2. March 8th, 2007 at 22:04 | #2

    We can NOT convince Pip that there is an alternative to picking one’s nose (or if it’s runny, licking the snot off of one’s upper lip). It’s rather distressing.

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