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That makes us mighty.

December 8th, 2006 Leave a comment Go to comments

There’s a big convention for Firefly Fans this weekend called Flanvention II. Hundreds of people prepaid and it sold completely out. I can’t recall what the total number was, but I’m leaning toward 500. Guest stars were lined up, plane tickets were booked, hotel rooms were blocked off, it looked like it was going to be a fantastic time.

Then last week, the organizers said they weren’t sure it was absolutely going to happen, and anybody who needed to try to recoup losses on plane tickets, etc. might want to do so. Then last Friday, they said it was definitely going to happen, the convention was on.

Today – and remember, the convention is starting NOW – convention organizers Booster Events took down their website and put up a brief statement saying, “Booster Entertainment apologizes for the great inconvenience, but due to unforeseen circumstances, Flanvention is cancelled. An official notice will be posted within 10 days.”

The working assumption is that they used the money from this sold out, prepaid event to pay off debts from a couple of less successful events last year and wound up without enough money to make this event happen. So people from all over the world flew in, and lo and behold. No convention. So now, what? Mill around in the lobby for the weekend? (Note lady using her time constructively to knit Jayne hat.)

Of course not. We’re Firefly fans. We all know that Browncoats do the impossible. The Northern and Southern California Browncoats are whipping into action to put on a backup convention. They’re organizing events and being sure everyone’s taken care of. Since it’s not an inexpensive proposition to suddenly host a party for 500 out of town guests (that’s a lot of gas money), they’re accepting donations. I went to their site and donated the cost of a Jayne hat, as I had several people who purchased a hat specifically to wear to the ‘Con. They’d bought prepaid tickets to have their picture taken with Adam Baldwin. How incredibly disappointing for them.

Except that class act Adam Baldwin, the Man They Call Jayne, showed up today. Yep. He heard the event had been cancelled, but he still came out to the Burbank Hilton to give a little love to the fans gathered there. And he’s not the only one. Looking at flickr, I see that Mark Sheppard, Badger from the show, showed up too. Thoughtful guys!

This is a really crappy situation, but what I love about it is that everybody’s making the best of it. People are taking care of other people, putting on a good face, and generally taking a “we’re all in this together” attitude. Browncoats are used to being the underdogs and pulling together. No doubt later they’ll be pulling together into a GINORMOUS LAWSUIT against Booster Entertainment and rightfully so, but for now, I’m glad they’re making the best of a bad situation.

Good luck, California Browncoats! I’m thinking of you!

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  1. December 8th, 2006 at 20:44 | #1

    That is very classy of him. And unbelievably UNclassy of B.E.

  2. December 8th, 2006 at 20:44 | #2

    That is very classy of him. And unbelievably UNclassy of B.E.

  3. December 8th, 2006 at 23:20 | #3

    Wow, that sucks. Burbank is not on my top 10 list of places to be stranded either. At least people are managing to make the best of it.

  4. December 8th, 2006 at 23:20 | #4

    Wow, that sucks. Burbank is not on my top 10 list of places to be stranded either. At least people are managing to make the best of it.

  5. December 9th, 2006 at 04:33 | #5

    Wow that is incredibly incredibly unbelievable that the organization would cancel day of!

  6. December 9th, 2006 at 04:33 | #6

    Wow that is incredibly incredibly unbelievable that the organization would cancel day of!

  7. Anonymous
    December 9th, 2006 at 05:27 | #7

    Nathan Fillion — Our Captain — just showed up, too.

  8. Anonymous
    December 9th, 2006 at 05:27 | #8

    Nathan Fillion — Our Captain — just showed up, too.

  9. December 9th, 2006 at 11:41 | #9

    Man, he looks tired, too. I see photos of Alan, Jonathan, and others as well. What a bunch of class acts.

  10. December 9th, 2006 at 11:41 | #10

    Man, he looks tired, too. I see photos of Alan, Jonathan, and others as well. What a bunch of class acts.

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