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November 12th, 2006 Leave a comment Go to comments

The clip from Shall We Dance that cracked me up a couple of nights ago. It’s just over two minutes long.

I’m feeling rather proud of myself for actually getting this to upload, even if I did have to get it onto the computer using the husband’s Windows machine and then bring it to the Mac to edit it down. It’s such a long way around the barn to get this done. I think it’s my outdated DVD drive that won’t read DVDs that’s causing the problem. The frame rate on this is only 15 frames per second, but I figured that since it’s not a very action-intensive clip, that’d be good enough. YouTube uploaders are welcome to pass along any tips.

While poking around, I accidentally discovered Les Loken‘s videos. Les is a 94 year old WWII vet who’s telling his stories on YouTube. Cool stuff!

Side note: what jerk took “Tvini” as a name on YouTube? ARGH!

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  1. November 12th, 2006 at 14:13 | #1

    ::dies laughing::

    Ohhh!! I wanna see that so bad!

    Both of those actors were in a number of the Fred and Ginger movies and I just love them. Such talent!

  2. November 12th, 2006 at 14:13 | #2

    ::dies laughing::

    Ohhh!! I wanna see that so bad!

    Both of those actors were in a number of the Fred and Ginger movies and I just love them. Such talent!

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