
Archive for March, 2005


March 7th, 2005 12 comments

See, I should just not overthink things. The things that are selling the best are the flashy things, the things with glitz and snazz and furry goodness – not the more technically demanding but less showy woolen goods. The same was true when I was selling stuff at Simucon last year (which I expect to do again this year, by the way). And really, I can understand that. Maybe you can get a good wool hat at the Gap, but you can’t get a scarf that looks like Oscar the Grouch three sheets to the wind at Mardi Gras. And that stuff is just so fun to wear!

So, bearing that in mind, I may revise somewhat the things that I make for the site. More style, baby, more style!

Side note: I wish I could show you Vaeldriil’s baby stuff, knitted up last night, but I’m thinking it’s probably bad form to post it before she sees it in person!

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GM Vaeldriil had her baby!

March 6th, 2005 2 comments

So earlier this week, I went, “Hmm. Auriane’s au pair was so nice to her, and I know she wanted a hat… I should go ahead and do that. But on the other hand, Vaeldriil’s going to have her baby soon, and I have something I want to knit for her. Naah, I’ve got time for that.” Then I started the hat, which is more than halfway done.

Then Vaeldriil had the baby early.


Sorry, Auriane’s au pair, you’ve been bumped back down on the list. Durned overeager babies!

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Cribbed from oberondreaming.

March 5th, 2005 No comments

I’m trying to get all my Livejournal friends’ locations plotted on a map – please add your location starting with this form.
(Then get your friends to!)

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March 2nd, 2005 6 comments

Because I have to look on the bright side of everything, I am focusing on the fact that having to sit in a room with my sleeping daughter and be on “vomit patrol” gave me time to finish up the scarf my mom wanted. She picked out Berocco Optik and said “can you make me a scarf with this? But I don’t want it to look knitted.”


Anyway, it’s done! Finally, I can get on to all the other projects backed up! Whee!

On a side note, I have noticed that each of the two times (both rather recently) my daughter has gotten very sick to her stomach, it has been the morning after a very long tub bath. I disinfected the tub pretty well last time, having suspected her of drinking tub water when I wasn’t looking, but now I am even more suspicious of a link. I think we may have a germy tub toy. Yuck.

Scarf! Focus on the scarfy positivity!

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Kiddo fell asleep on the couch.

March 2nd, 2005 2 comments

Time for a stupid quiz!

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March 2nd, 2005 6 comments

Dropped the kiddo off at kindergarten this morning, then came back home to paint the inside of a cabinet. We’re trying to figure out if we can just paint our 1960’s era cabinets and still achieve the look we want (namely, a kitchen that’s not stuck a time warp) as opposed to getting them refaced or something more expensive. (I was going to take a picture of the cabinets, but the digital camera seems to have gone missing. That’s not good because I was gonna eBay some stuff later. Phooey.)

Note: Do not use oil based paint unless you have turpentine standing by. The paint got all over my hands. I tried to wash it off as best I could, but that wasn’t very well. While it dried on the cabinet, I thought I’d try to play a game of Katamari Damacy on the new PS2 my hubby got for my birthday (call it a gift to us both) but I managed to crack the CD with my sticky hands. Okay.

But worst still was that when my daughter’s kindergarten teacher called to say that my child had thrown up in the hall on the way back from music class, I had no way of getting the white goop off of my hands. Olive oil helped some.

You remember that episode of the Simpsons where Lisa gets gum in her hair and everybody’s got a suggestion? Yeah, it was like that. Anyway, it’s mostly off my hands, and I feel certain that my daughter’s stomach acid has managed to loosen a good portion of it as well.

Add to that that I had to cancel my optometrist appointment – my glasses are currently down to one earpiece – and you have a not so hot day.

Well, at least there’s “Lost” tonight, right? Right? No?

Well, crud.

ETA: Yes! There is Lost tonight! Yay!

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March 1st, 2005 6 comments

Why the heck did my layout suddenly change?

Tvini no like!

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