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And that’s that.

Thus endeth my run as GM Tvini in Dragonrealms. And sixteen years was a pretty good run. There are good feelings on all sides, so who knows? I may be back again someday, when I have more time.

I thought I was calm about this decision, but the night after it was done, I had nightmares about having submitted shoddy work in the game. (Note: I have NEVER done this. My work has always been excellent.) In the morning I woke up and realized that in some form or another, I had been a professional writer since I was 22 years old. As of today, I am not a professional writer. It’s led to a bit of an identity crisis. I consider myself an educated person of words and ideas. Objectively, however, that public identity has changed to “knitting hausfrau.” Yeah, I know, I’m still intelligent, and my job right now is being a dedicated mother and entrepreneur and my product is recognized worldwide as the best of its type, but right now it all feels like trying to comfort myself while continuing down a path that I didn’t ever see myself going down in the first place.

So please bear with me as I reorient myself and reexamine my priorities and my path. The only issue in Dragonrealms really was time. I found GMing to be a rewarding experience, working in an exciting environment with intelligent people. And the game has always been fun. So if the only issue was time, then perhaps this is a good moment to examine exactly what “time” means to me in my life, and whether I’m spending it in a way that is fulfilling.

I just wish it weren’t summer, so I had more time to think about time.

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  1. June 25th, 2010 at 04:14 | #1


  2. June 25th, 2010 at 16:48 | #2


    Bbbut… man. End of an era. I haven’t even played in yeeears but this brought a bit of mist to my eye.

  3. June 27th, 2010 at 06:17 | #3

    Hugs! Good to step away while it’s good terms all around — good luck finding your new normal and figuring out what you need to be doing. 🙂

    And see ya on Tuesdays for Light-the-Dwa – err, D&D.

  4. June 28th, 2010 at 02:57 | #4

    ::warm comforting understanding hugs::

  5. June 29th, 2010 at 18:36 | #5

    End of an era, for sure. Lots of good memories, though. <3 And you'll always be my favorite wedding GM.

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