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…”and after this, I’ll bring back Farscape.”

1962 McCalls Jayne sweater

Behold! This 1962 McCall’s Needlework Magazine bring us proof positive that time travel is possible!

Clearly the lady on the right in the cunning Jayne hat sweater is a Browncoat who has gone back to the past. My theory: she’s going to knock off a future FOX executive or two and prevent one of television’s greatest tragedies from occurring. And I am not talking about Cop Rock.

Keep flying, you amazing time-skipper. Keep flying.

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  1. May 19th, 2010 at 14:35 | #1

    Maybe those are actually the Cobb family colors and she’s Jayne’s great times whatever grandmother. 🙂

  2. May 19th, 2010 at 14:58 | #2

    Could be. If that’s the case, though, I’m surprised she hasn’t knocked down the other gals and stolen that radio.

  3. May 22nd, 2010 at 17:25 | #3

    Hello. You don’t know me. I found your LJ through Jim C. Hines. I, too, have some form of autism (and darn is it hard trying to get a diagnosis as an adult), and also love Firefly. I have friended you. If you don’t want me to, just let me know, and I’ll remove you from my friends list. I find your LJ very interesting and amusing, and I quite like the vintage ads you’ve been posting, too.

  4. May 22nd, 2010 at 19:22 | #4

    Hi, Finnyb. By all means, feel free to read along. I don’t often post about autism. I’m more likely to post about my daughter, knitting, or the vintage ads. Thanks!

  5. May 22nd, 2010 at 19:30 | #5

    All of which I’m interested in. I don’t knit, myself (I’ve yet to find a yarn with a texture I like), but I love reading about knitting and seeing pictures. And vintage ads are just cool. And your daughter is adorable. She reminds me so much of myself at her age!

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