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Poor Em. She really wanted to go to school this morning in spite of being exhausted from another night of waking up at 2am and not getting back to sleep. I let her go, but with a note to her teacher. The teacher called at around 9:30 and Em’s back home again. She went right to her bedroom and lay down under the covers still in her school uniform. She wasn’t able to get to sleep, and now she’s on the couch watching TV quietly.

At this point I’m not sure what’s going on. We’ve changed pillows, gotten an air purifier (although the pollen was very low yesterday), and made as many adjustments as we could without disrupting the regular nighttime rituals. Right now I’m looking at diet as a possible culprit. She’s a little lactose intolerant, and she had ice cream late in the day on Saturday and Sunday. She didn’t show any gastric distress at all but it could still be affecting her. But then, the last time we had a run like this it was a Mon-Wed, so maybe that’s not it after all. Her father and his father both have bouts of insomnia, so maybe it just runs in the family.

I don’t know. I just know she’s miserable. Hopefully tonight will be better.

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  1. May 25th, 2009 at 17:24 | #1

    I too suffer from insomnia, but only during the summer time here in Alaska. The sun doesn’t “set” until about 12:30am or so. I used to take Melatonin then I did the Bendryl thing (which worked well but I don’t want to build a tolerance to it) and then I tried closing the curtains as far as I can and still get a breeze (there’s no air conditioners in most homes and apartments). Now I just learn not to eat anything 3 hours before going to bed and not to drink anything but water before going to bed. It helps a bit.

    But I tell you, the only thing that seems to help me sleep at night is exhaustion…lol. Put Emily on a treadmill at the highest speed…JUST KIDDING….poor girl.

    Hey, how come she has school today? It’s Memorial Day!!!

  2. May 25th, 2009 at 17:24 | #2

    I too suffer from insomnia, but only during the summer time here in Alaska. The sun doesn’t “set” until about 12:30am or so. I used to take Melatonin then I did the Bendryl thing (which worked well but I don’t want to build a tolerance to it) and then I tried closing the curtains as far as I can and still get a breeze (there’s no air conditioners in most homes and apartments). Now I just learn not to eat anything 3 hours before going to bed and not to drink anything but water before going to bed. It helps a bit.

    But I tell you, the only thing that seems to help me sleep at night is exhaustion…lol. Put Emily on a treadmill at the highest speed…JUST KIDDING….poor girl.

    Hey, how come she has school today? It’s Memorial Day!!!

  3. May 25th, 2009 at 17:43 | #3

    It’s a school makeup day because we had snow in April. It was the only holiday left to make up days with!

  4. May 25th, 2009 at 17:43 | #4

    It’s a school makeup day because we had snow in April. It was the only holiday left to make up days with!

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