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People. People, people, people.

September 29th, 2008 Leave a comment Go to comments

I’m old enough to remember the fuel shortages of the 70’s. Not as a driver, just as a kid. That must have been mucho fun for Mom – having to sit and wait in a very long line with an antsy kid in the backseat. Actually, I might not have been in the backseat, since this was the 70’s. I don’t recall. But from time to time, as we waited in line, she’d let me out to play at the park that was right next door to where we were waiting. When the car would start moving again, she’d call to me and I’d run back to sit in it. That was unusual, though. Usually, I just sat. (Truthfully, I may just be remembering seeing other kids out there playing and imagining I was too. Mom might be able to tell me when she reads this.)

I was reminded of that as I saw cars jockeying for position today. People were generally fairly well-behaved, but apparently that wasn’t the case in some places. There were reports of fender benders, shouting matches, and fistfights.

People. People, people, people. Please. It’s not like there will never be any gas ever again. It’s just a little slow getting to us. If you don’t get in line with 3/4 of a tank full and top off your gas guzzling SUV, then there’ll be enough for everybody to go where they need to go.

I was also reminded of some oldies but goodies lying around my house – my beloved wartime Better Homes and Gardens. Let’s take a look at the ads in the October 1943 issue, shall we?

There were heating fuel shortages. This is the October issue, so winter was coming on, and there are quite a few ads for things you can do to help reduce your fuel use. If you’re going green, a lot of these still apply today. The Eagle Insulation ad, incidentally, was sponsored by the Eagle Paint Lead company. I hope the insulation business worked better for them than the lead paint business did. Yow.

There was a steel shortage, since it was going for the war effort. So good luck buying major appliances. That includes new cars. Take the bus to the laundromat and smile, willya?

To add insult to injury, I give you…

Knox’s Protein Point-Savers

This is touted as “A real man’s dish!” It’s a wonder more of our boys didn’t re-up if this is what was waiting for them at home. brrrrr…

In short: we’re low on gas, but it could be a lot worse. Suck it up, drive responsibly, be patient, don’t act like a jerk.

Rant over. Thank you.

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  1. September 29th, 2008 at 18:52 | #1

    Good lord. Now, I know it’s stupid to say something like ‘I’d rather starve than eat THAT meatloaf!’ because we all know… push comes to shove… you’re gonna eat that horrible looking thing.

    That said, I might try the grilled rat on a stick first. At least it’s still recognizably meatlike.

  2. September 29th, 2008 at 18:52 | #2

    Good lord. Now, I know it’s stupid to say something like ‘I’d rather starve than eat THAT meatloaf!’ because we all know… push comes to shove… you’re gonna eat that horrible looking thing.

    That said, I might try the grilled rat on a stick first. At least it’s still recognizably meatlike.

  3. September 29th, 2008 at 18:55 | #3

    The main ingredients are gelatine, consomme, and “leftover meat.” I’m not so sure there’s not already rat in it.

  4. September 29th, 2008 at 18:55 | #4

    The main ingredients are gelatine, consomme, and “leftover meat.” I’m not so sure there’s not already rat in it.

  5. September 29th, 2008 at 21:14 | #5

    So wear a sweater inside & park that gas guzzler, two things that will help a lot!

  6. September 29th, 2008 at 21:14 | #6

    So wear a sweater inside & park that gas guzzler, two things that will help a lot!

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