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Not all in my head.

This morning, I felt great. I ate well, got a lot of knitting done, took a 2+ mile walk, and Em came home from school in a great mood. Then, weirdly, I just kind of started to… crash. I was having to hold back irritation with Em’s same questions over and over (a natural kid tendency which gets amplified by the autism), I didn’t feel like hanging out the clothes I’d washed, I got oversensitive in a response to someone on the internet. Y’all know me, I don’t get my knickers in a knot easily, recent post office escapades notwithstanding.

So I was sitting here in the den, just feeling awful for no apparent reason, trying to think of what I could do to shake this funk. There were little birds hopping around outside gathering leaves for their nest. I decided to pull off a little twist of Pat’s roving and stick it on the fence for nesting materials. And sure enough, I did feel more calm. For about two minutes. I kind of put my hand up to my forehead in a “man, I really need to make a therapy appointment” moment, and that’s when the Mom Hands ™ kicked in.

Sure enough, the thermometer verifies that I have a 100 degree fever.

Oddly, although I am apparently actually sick, I feel better knowing that. I wasn’t just being depressed and freaky for no reason whatsoever. So that’s a good thing. I’ll sit here and rest and see if any of Pat’s roving flies away on little wings.

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  1. March 29th, 2008 at 13:46 | #1

    I hope you’re feeling better. It’s always a relief to know you’re legitimately sick. I remember when I realized that no, these extremely depressed feelings don’t mean I need a therapist, it’s part of my PMS. It took much longer to realize that than it should. Knowing that you’re not nuts is always a relief.

  2. March 29th, 2008 at 13:46 | #2

    I hope you’re feeling better. It’s always a relief to know you’re legitimately sick. I remember when I realized that no, these extremely depressed feelings don’t mean I need a therapist, it’s part of my PMS. It took much longer to realize that than it should. Knowing that you’re not nuts is always a relief.

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