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September 30th, 2007 Leave a comment Go to comments

Emily’s under the weather, and has been for a few days. Mostly, she’s been staying quiet and playing on the computer, watching videos, reading and such. She doesn’t like being sick and wants to be better immediately. On Saturday, she told me, pointing at her face, “this hole in my nose is better.” So we learned the word for nostril. Hopefully she’ll be feeling better by tomorrow.

It’s interesting to see the ways in which the pink frilly princess desires butt up against the nerdy geeky desires. Last week, they read Beauty and the Beast. We talked about it some, and she asked, “How does the story end? They get married?” I said yes, and asked how she thought it ended. Her answer? “Beauty got abducted by aliens and was never seen again.”

Also, they saw a ballet based on Beauty and the Beast, which she didn’t like because Beauty’s sisters were mean to her and tore her dress. Instead, Emily says she wants to do a ballet based on the solar system. She will dance the part of the Earth. She has Elizabeth and Taylor act this out sometimes, with one playing the moon and one playing the sun.

I don’t know about you, but I’d pay money to see a ballet based on the solar system. Geeky and artistic, that’s my girl.

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  1. Anonymous
    October 1st, 2007 at 00:55 | #1


    Your daughter sounds delightful. I enjoy reading about your “adventures”.
    Debra Davis

  2. Anonymous
    October 1st, 2007 at 00:55 | #2


    Your daughter sounds delightful. I enjoy reading about your “adventures”.
    Debra Davis

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