
Archive for March 16th, 2010

D&D Week 40: Quentin Tarantino Goes To Sea

March 16th, 2010 1 comment

GM Vaschon: Your party is in town, and its mid-evening, roughly 10pm. The weather is calm and cloudy.

We go to the local tavern, where Aleanghi tries to get a room and I try to bum a few coins from Torkal on account of Klyx having stolen my purse.

Palin: “If I ever find that thieving scabrous little kobold again I will rip him a new steal-hole.”

Veracity, having gone ahead and gotten a bath, rejoins us, smelling great. Aleanghi slips me a few coins, possibly out of pity, possibly in appreciation for my ragging on Veracity’s new fancy smell.

Veracity: Veracity says genially, “You too could smell less middenheapish, my short and smelly friend. The bathhouse is still open for business. And they have a shallow end.”
Palin: “I don’t take your meaning.”
GM Vaschon: You stank
Veracity: “It is too deep for you.” Veracity nods at Palin and then says, “So what are we doing tonight?”
Palin: Stank is in the nose of the beholder.
Aleanghi: (quietly) Bathing right before we go to a probable fight doesn’t make much sense.
GM Vaschon: Yes, you’ll see one of those soon 🙂
So true.

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