
Archive for July 4th, 2008

Once more with convenient removal handle.

July 4th, 2008 No comments

Another preemie to small newborn size hat, this time using Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sport Multi, 100% machine washable soft wool. It’s the same pattern – size 3 needles, 48 stitch caston, but this time with a little i-cord nub at the top. This is modeled over a large apple, and you can see it has to stretch a bit to fit over it.

I bought this yarn at Haus of Yarn in Nashville a few years ago on the way through Tennessee to St Louis for Simucon. It’s not my color at all, so I’m not sure why I got it. I last used it for a tiny pair of baby socks. It’s perfect for these little hats. I’ve got another pattern I want to write up, and I think this yarn will do just fine for it. When you’re making tiny little clothes, one skein goes a long way.

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Tip o’ the iceberg.

July 4th, 2008 6 comments

Coming with me to the yarn swap tomorrow. Bin o’ Debbie Bliss Cathay, with some Karabella Aurora 8 mixed in. Got these when the Sewing Bird closed down… two years ago, maybe? I’m kind of feeling like if I haven’t used a yarn in two years, I’d rather have the space than the yarn.

I’m thinking $4 a ball, or 2 for $7. This stuff’s so pretty. Shiny and drapey and so, so pretty.

Still rooting around for more stuff.

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Best. Cat bed. Ever.

July 4th, 2008 4 comments

I laid some green wool out on the dining room table, thinking I’d spin it later.


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