
Archive for April 21st, 2008

New floor!

April 21st, 2008 10 comments

I have a lot to write about, but my time’s been a bit limited lately. So, let’s throw in a little of this and a little of that!

–The newest thing to happen in our lives has been that this weekend, we finally, FINALLY got a new floor for the bathroom.

Here’s the flickr photo set of before, during, and after pictures. We really haven’t done much to improve the house since we bought it more than ten years ago, so a change like this is very exciting. We have other things to do in there, but this will at least keep the floor from actively rotting out, so it’s good to have it done.

Turtlegirl76 now has me hooked on Dead Like Me, yet another brilliant but cancelled TV show. Thanks, Turtlegirl!

–I have finished sock one of the Rainbow socks. I always make them a bit short, so I knitted them a little longer this time and now I think they’re a little too long. Also, I CANNOT FIND MY SECOND SKEIN. I know exactly where I put it, because I made a mental “don’t lose this!” note, but I swear it’s not there now. Maybe I moved it unknowingly when shifting things around to make room for bathroom stuff in the bedroom while renovating. I don’t know. It’s making me a little crazy, though.

–I sold some sock yarn from my stash via Ravelry’s “for sale or trade” stash section. So pretty, but I’d had it for a year so I don’t know when I was going to use it. I’m going to put a couple of bulky skeins in there to further pare down my stash. Maybe I won’t lose any more yarn I actually NEED if there’s less total yarn.

–April is National Poetry month, so I brought home a library book of poems by Dean Koontz called The Paper Doorway. It inspired Emily to write this poem:

“Hannah, Hannah you are nice.
I think you really look like ice.
I make you beautiful wrup.
We’ll bake you in a pie and eat you up.”

My daughter tells me “wrup” means “afraid.” Click on the picture for a bigger view – you can see feet sticking out of the pie. Black eyeliner and Siouxie and the Banshees cannot be far behind.

That’s it for now. Got to get an Alaskan Browncoat’s hat up to the post office!

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