
Archive for March 7th, 2005


March 7th, 2005 12 comments

See, I should just not overthink things. The things that are selling the best are the flashy things, the things with glitz and snazz and furry goodness – not the more technically demanding but less showy woolen goods. The same was true when I was selling stuff at Simucon last year (which I expect to do again this year, by the way). And really, I can understand that. Maybe you can get a good wool hat at the Gap, but you can’t get a scarf that looks like Oscar the Grouch three sheets to the wind at Mardi Gras. And that stuff is just so fun to wear!

So, bearing that in mind, I may revise somewhat the things that I make for the site. More style, baby, more style!

Side note: I wish I could show you Vaeldriil’s baby stuff, knitted up last night, but I’m thinking it’s probably bad form to post it before she sees it in person!

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