
Archive for February 8th, 2005

You always knew GMs were evil.

February 8th, 2005 4 comments

Apparently, though, I am exceptionally evil. And gratified.

However, tomorrow is my birthday, and when I plugged in my new age, I learned that I will apparently become much, much less evil tomorrow. Ah, well. We all mellow.

What kind of Jedi are you?
LJ Username  
Dark Side Growth Potential – 88%

Light Side Growth Potential – 19%

Master’s Name  zadraes
How likely you are to lose a limb – 78%

Lightsaber Blade’s color  Red
Lightsaber Style  Double-Bladed Lightsaber
This fun quiz by neo_epyon – Taken 5929 Times.

New – Dating Advice written by YOU!

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